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Supplier Can't Supply

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When a supplier rings to let you know that they are out of stock of something you have ordered you need to know who the stock is for, when it is required and you need to be able to handle the issue quickly so you can get on with your work. AwardPro's Stock Management system has been designed to make this situation easy to manage by providing information you need at the supplier order detail and the functionality to make changes at that same screen.


Three main things happen when you get the call form the supplier:

1.      They have an alternative to offer

2.      They can supply it but not right away or

3.      They can not supply and have no alternative.


All of these scenarios firstly need you to know who the stock is for.


Go to the Outstanding Orders Screen and open the relevant supplier order

Select the line item that the supplier is calling about

Double Click on the line to open the lines Break Down


Here you can see  - who the customer/s is/are and when they need the goods by.




The break down of each line item on the order can be seen by double clicking



When the suppliers rings: The breakdown shows Who it's for and when it's required and allows you to swap stock.


Can't supply but have an alternative - Stock Swap

If you accept the alternative item use the Swap button on the Order Detail Breakdown screen to swap the components over. This action will swap the stock on both the supplier order and the Sales Order.


Click Here for Stock Swap Documentation


Can't supply now but can supply when the goods come in - Back Order

The Order detail breakdown shows you who the goods are for and when they are due. If the date given by the supplier for re-stocking is suitable you can easily place the goods on back order using the Back Order Button on the Supplier Order


Click Here for Stock Back Order Documentation


Can't supply and has no alternative - Find an Alternative part from a different supplier.

When the situation occurs that the supplier has no solution for their out of stock issue you will need to:

Remove the non-supply component from the suppliers order

Go to the Sales Screen - Modify Product and choose an alternative piece.


Procedure for finding an alternative component from a different supplier.


1.      Determine who the goods are for and record the Job number.

2.      Delete the component form the Suppliers Purchase order using the X button at the right hand side of the grid.

3.      Close the Supplier Order and open the customers Sales Order

4.      Consider if you want to keep the price for the sale the same regardless of the new components cost. If you do want to keep the same price then you should take note of the price know as it is likely to change when a different part is added.

5.      Locate the line item that contains the component

6.      Open the Modify Product screen

7.      Add the alternative part to the products Bill of Materials

8.      Remove the out of stock item

9.      Adjust the Sale Price if necessary

10.   Consider whether you need to place the order for the new part right away.



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