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Individual Job Plan

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See also: Individual Job Plan Videos



The individual Job Plan allows you to make a simple and effective Job plan to stage out the tasks within the job and set dates for these tasks and stages of the job.


Once a job has a saved plan it is seen on the Outstanding Job Schedule in either Blue Text (job on track) or in a red bar (job not on track). This provides a visual flag for the Production Manager making it easy to keep track of the complex jobs and to keep them on track.


You can have any number of tasks on a Job plan and the plan can be printed. You can also record notes, staff assignment and times for tasks.


Not all jobs need an individual plan but those complex jobs can be manged very effectively by creating plans and keep them on track. Types of jobs that are suited to Individual Job Plans are very large Club and Corporate orders, complicated jobs that require quite a bit of inter departmental liaising, External Jobs that need to be monitored along the way to ensure on time delivery.


The Individual Job Plan makes it easy to manage complex jobs.


Creating an Individual Job Plan



From the Job Management screen press Create Job Plan


·         A draft plan is created with all Product Types and Processes listed

·         This plan can now be added to or deleted from and dates can be set.

·         Create as many tasks as you wish to plan out the entire job

·         Use task lines as reminders such as to follow up suppliers or for anything type of event you want to be reminded of.



   Right click on the selection bar of any line to 1. insert a new row or 2. delete a row


   Use the up/down arrows to move selected rows up and down the page to arrange the tasks in the                order you would like then to appear in.


Start/Finish date

Select a line and enter a date that the task should be started. The Finish date will default to the same date. You can change this to any date in the future of the start date.



Optional field. Enter the amount of products or processes involved in the task line.



The initial Plan starts with basic accumulated Product Types and Processes. You can change the text here to anything you wish to identify the task clearly.



A space to add special notes along the way. Ideal for recording stages of a task or replies from suppliers after chasing up a stock order.



You can allocate tasks to staff here if you wish.


Is started

Click into the box field and then click the box to mark the task as started.


Is Complete

Click into the box field and then click the box to mark the task as complete.


Estimated Time

If you would like to estimate times for each job you can record it here. The estimation gets totaled at the top of the page and these times will be printed on the job plan form.


Actual Time

If you get your team to time each task you can get an actual time to add in here which is then totaled at the top of the page. If you estimated time you will be able to compare it to real time taken and if you you do this practice regularly it will teach you to estimate times more accurately.


Print your Plan

AwardPro provide print facility so that the plan can be printed and added to a Job Sheet. The plan prints out the Job Sheet header so that it can be stapled to the top of a job sheet and still have the job easily identifiable.


Samples of Job Plans 













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