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How to - Hold customers Stock

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Some businesses sell Products to customers and then retain them for the customers future use.  An example of this is when you sell a customer a certain quantity of customer centres and they use up some and leave the rest with you for future use.


AwardPro does not have a 'hold customers stock' facility.


Some ways of handling this situation are:

             Using the inventory card

             Creating a customer specific product


Via Inventory Card:

We suggest you bag the excess stock and include an inventory card that you mark off stock usage as you use the stock up. The card could show a date , qty and job number so as to give you a clear record of the use of the customers stock. This could be handy for all sorts of stock such as custom centres, Trophies, name badges etc. When the customers stock bin becomes empty the inventory card should reflect the history of stock usage and you would then approach your customer to buy more.


Via Special Customer Product:


Example: Customer Blue Sales P/L wants to order 100 x JIP333 for us to keep in stock for them and they want to make sure there is always 30 on hand.  They will place orders from their stock a few at at time over a period of time.


·         Blue Sales orders the 100x JIP333 - you do a sale in the normal manner:

·         Enter the order in the sales screen

·         De-select the departments as there is no processes involved in this order.

·         Stock order will be generated

·         Stock comes in, store it for the customer

·         Invoice the customer


Now the program believes that the work has been done and the customer has received the stock.  This is not the case so you need to do the next steps.


·         Set up a supplier called Customer's Pre-Purchased Stock 


·         Create a new component using the customer's initials hyphen and then the product code with a supplier of Customer's Pre-Purchased Stock.  In our example this would be:

·         Component Code:          BS-JIP333

·         Supplier:                    Customer's Pre-Purchased Stock

·         Stock Level:                    100 (ie the customer's order)

·         Stock re-order level          30


Now this has set up the stock for the customer


·         Create a new product by opening the existing one, save as new, add the customer's initials, change the component to the once created in the previous step, and press save.  So in our example you would:

·         Open product JIP333

·         Press Save as New

·         Change the price to zero

·         Change the name to BS-JIP333

·         Delete the component JIP333

·         Add the component BS-JIP333

·         Press Save


          Now the customer's product is set up


·         It is a good idea to go to the customer's card and add details to the internal notes so it come up each time the customer places an order.

·         Regarding customer's stock of JIP333 -   When doing their individual orders - use the code BS-JIP333 - to use their prepaid stock.  Use the regular JIP333 when they need to add to their stock


Then Blue Sales wants to order 30 of these using their pre-paid stock.  So you:


·         Open a new order for the customer and select BS-JS333.  This will:

·         Take stock from the customer's stock on hand

·         Put the job into the relevant departments

·         There will be no cost to the customer





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