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Modify Product

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Modify Product System allows you to manipulate products to your customers requirements.


been added to a sales screen. When customers want to change a products parts such as change the figure or Base or Column or when want to remove or add parts, Modify Job Product is where this is done.


You can add or remove both components and processes via this area. All costs associated are added or removed and the products sell value is recalculated based on the final state of the product.


Modifying a product through this facility does not change the original product. Only the Jobs product gets changed to suit the customer buying it.


It is a facility that let's you customize product to suit the individual customers needs and as you make changes the costs and charges associated will effect the sales value.



   Fig.1  The Modify Job Product Button on the Sales Screen


Modify Job Product Screen

When you press the Modify Job Product button on the Sales Screen the Modify Job Product Screen opens. You can see there are two tabs to work with: Components and Process Charges. To add to either of these click on the tab to work with and press Add.




Here you can see a list of all the components that make up this Trophy. You can also see the cost, the supplier, if any are in stock and the description. The last column shows that a variation has been added to the component.


You can click into the Qty column and change the qty upwards if you require more of the same component for the product

To delete a component from the list press the at the end of the items listing.


To add a component press the Add button.



Hot Keys

Alt A = Add

Alt O = OK

Alt C = Cancel



Adding a Component


You can Tab through the fields to avoid using the mouse


Qty: Add as many of the component being added required for 1 single product.

Component: Start typing the component if you know the code. The type assist will take you to the component you are typing. Or select the drop down arrow and scroll through the entire component list.




Find: Select Find to open the component list.

New: Create a completely new component.


Price: Non editable from this screen. This is the Price for Costing Purposes drawn for the Components Detail Card.

Description: This is drawn from the the Components Detail Card. You can add specific text to this description which will be printed on the job sheet as part of the components description. NB. This added description text does not print of the supplier order.


Hot Keys

Alt F = Find

Alt N = New

Alt O = OK

Alt C = Cancel


Once you add the component and press OK the component is added to the Bill of Materials and it's cost is added to the cost tally that is being marked up so you always capture the cost and sell value of the part.


Important Note

When you are replacing a component with something else do not forget to remove the component being replaced




Select the Process Charges Tab to activate the Add button to the Process charge selector.


Here you can see a list of all the processes that have been assigned to this Trophy. You can also see the quantity description and charge.


You can click into the Qty column and change the qty upwards if you require more units of for the product.

You can also change the price here if you want the charge to be diffferent. Just click into the price cell and adjust it.


To delete a process from the list press the at the end of the items listing.


To add a process press the Add button.


Adding A Process Charge

When you add a Process Charge the value (shown ex-tax) is added to the Products sell price.


You can Tab through the fields to avoid using the mouse


Qty: Add as many of the Process being added required for 1 single product.

Process Type: Choose the Process Type to select the process from.

Process: Start Typing the process description if you know it or use the drop down and scroll to. You can also use the Find button to go to the Process List or the New button to create a New Process on the Fly.

Price: The price is ex tax and comes from the processes price list. It is editable here to any price you require.

Description: The description can be edited here to make the description on the Job Sheet more directive. The Yellow highlighted text has been added to the description.


Hot Keys

Alt F = Find

Alt N = New

Alt O = OK

Alt C = Cancel


Once you add the process and press OK the component is added to the Bill of Materials and it's charge is added to the sell price of the product.


Important Note

When you are replacing a process with something else do not forget to remove the original process.


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