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Import Customers

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When first using AwardPro you can import your customer list. As long as you endure that there is data in each of the red header columns you can import the detail without full detail. AwardPro will ask you for the detail it needs when you first go to use the customer card. The only mandatory field is the customer name, however, it is recommended you import as much information as possible.

 The procedure will be:

·         Open the import template in AwardPro into which you will need to place the details.

·         Save the import template on your computer/server

·         Prepare a file of your customers and then copy and paste details into the saved import template

·         Open the Import Customers list in AwardPro and follow the wizard instructions

·         Fix errors found on import, if applicable and re-import if you have had to fix errors.



Open the Template

·         Open AwardPro

·         Click on Cards

·         Under the Customer column, click Import Template

·         This will open the import template in Excel. 

·         Immediately save it as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook with a file for the Suppliers Import on your computer according to the internal instructions for your company. See Excel Tips

Prepare Your List

·         Export your customer list from your existing data base or accounting package and convert it to an Excel file.  Some databases will allow you to export straight to Excel, others will export to a tab delimited file first.  If you have a tab delimited file, select all and copy and then past into an Excel File.

·         From your excel file, copy columns of information into the Template you created earlier. 

·         Note that columns in the template that have a red heading are mandatory. All the details you need to import is Name & Contact Name. Addresses & Phone numbers can be added at a later stage if you don't have them prior to import.

·         Save your file.


·         Open AwardPro

·         Click on Cards

·         Under the Customers column, click on Import Customers

·         The Import Wizard will open:

o         Click Next

o         Click Browse, find your file and click open

o         Click Next, Award pro will confirm the number of records that it has found in that file.

o         Click Next, AwardPro will begin to import your list.

o         Once the import is completed a screen report will show the number of successful imports and also a list of any errors found in importing.  You can print the report or click x to go back to the wizard.

o         Click Next

o         Click Finish

o         If there were errors that prevented the import of all your suppliers, you will need to go back to your excel file and fix the error, save the file and start the import process again.  If some imports were successful in the first run, it will not cause a problem to re-import them.

Possible Errors and Solutions

·          Error Name Cannot be empty – this is a mandatory field.  Go back to your saved excel file and enter the Email address

·          Error Work phone Cannot be empty – this is a mandatory field.  Go back to your saved excel file and enter the Email address


What happens When I re-import a customer and over the top of an existing list.

If the Customer/Organisation name is exactly the same then the new import data will over ride any existing data on the customers card.


Existing Data: Penrith Soccer Club - 127 River Rd Penrith NSW 2098

New  Import:   Penrith Soccer Club - 127 River Rd Penrith NSW 2254

The customers card will know have 2254 as the postcode.


If the Customer/Organisation name has a different name then you will end up with two records.


Existing Data: Penrith Soccer Club - 127 River Rd Penrith NSW 2098

New  Import:   Penrith Soccer Club Inc - 127 River Rd Penrith NSW 2254

This will result in two records.


I started manually entering customers but know I want to import my customer list but there will be existing customers in the system and on the list.

The best way to handle this is to go the AwardPro Customer Card List and print out a list of existing customers and then eliminate these customers form the import list.