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Creating Custom Centres

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Custom Centres can be handled nicely in AwardPro but there are a variety of different styles of custom centres and a variety of different ideas as to how they should be set up and added to a sales screen. In this document I will attempt to keep it simple by not cover every possibility.


Custom Centres can be ordered from suppliers or made in house using a variety of methods from paper printed, vinyl Printed to sublimation disc printed and we can dome them with resin or pre-made domes. 


Custom Centres can be added as a component to the bill of materials of a product being added to sales order or they can be added as a product to a separate line item of the sales order.


Let's explore the possibilities.


Product Logic

If you add them in as a component in Modify product the mark up will be based on the mark up for the product hosting the centre component. On one sales order this could be a different mark up on each line item. So in my way of reckoning Custom Centres should be handled as a product and not as a straight component being added to a BOM. The Custom Centre product will ofcourse have a component within it so that it gets ordered.


So I will focus on the Product style here but will also provide information for those that would rather add them as a component to a BOM.


Regardless of if you are making the centres yourself or outsourcing them; because custom centes are a "value adding product" that are cheaper to produce as quantities get bigger and because the centres may have a minimum quantity then they should be created as a product and added as a separate line item. 


Pricing Structure

Whilst it is not my intention to consult or advise as to how you should price things in your business most people are interested in such things and in this case it may be beneficial to consider pricing structures and reasoning so here is my soap box point of view.


If you are making centres in-house then quantity levels have a huge effect of time frame so utelising the quantity break discount is suggester so that the price changes depending on quantity. I know some people say that "I just charge $1.50 regardless of how many I sell". Thats fine but when you make 3 centres for $4.50 you are peddling back wards so fast that your hair will get messed up by the wind you are creating. So a minimum quantity or at least a minimum charge may be a good idea to consider so that each transaction takes you a step forward in profit outcome.


OK enough said....... 



How to Create Outsourced Custom Centres


How to Create Internally Produced Custom Centres


How to Hold Stock for Customers

Some businesses sell custom centres by a certain quantity and retain them for the customers future use. AwardPro does not have a hold customers stock facility. Some ways of handling this situation are.








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