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How to Create Outsourced Custom Centres

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An out sourced Custom Centre is one that you get another company to provide and you on sell it to your customer.

In this example we will be creating a Product and we will create components based on the suppliers componentry offering. We will also create a replacement non-ordering-non priced component that we will use when generic parts system insists that we choose a component to replace a generic part.


Set Up Requirements

·         Create the components based on your suppliers list

·         Create a Replacement "Filler" component

·         Create the products and set quantity breaks


Create the Product Type Criteria

Open the Product Type screen in System Set up and select Custom Centres and set up your selling criteria. This will become the default structure for when you are creating custom centres.


*NB. If you are planning on outsourcing centres and making them yourself then I suggest that these are two different product types and you should have a separate Product Type for each.



1.      Create a Mark Up

2.      Add in Production days Guide

3.      Add in Minimum Order based on the suppliers minimum order

4.      Decide whether you want to set quantity discounts (you can always come back and do this later) See document on refining quantity Discounts.

5.      Decide if you want to write up some Custom Centre Sales Rules or assembly rules.


Create Components

1.      Build your suppliers components in the Component Editor and set attributes such as minimum re-order quantity etc based on the suppliers policy.

2.      Activate Variation on the component and add in the text: Please add the customers organisation name.

3.      Use the Save as New Feature to create the full range of the suppliers components.



Variation Purpose

By activating Variation and adding in the text "Please add the customers organisation name." when the component lands on the sales screen the variation window will pop up and you can add in the customers organisation name so that the supplier knows which centre you require as the note will be added to the supplier's order.


Create Your Replacement Filler

This instruction deals with components that are being added to a product and that product is added to a sales order as a separate line item and NOT as a component via modify Product. But most trophies that house a standard centre in the BOM have a generic centre which activates the Replace Generic centres action. This action insists that you replace the generic centre with something so you have to make a selection.


So by creating the component *CC1 - Use Custom Centre - $0.00 you have created something that can be selected to replace the generic part. The *CC1 has no cost associated to it because you are adding the centre cost and sell via the Custom Product on a different sales line so you don't want cost associated here. This also serves as 1. a note on the job sheet that this trophy requires a centre and 2. creates a running tally of custom centres in the Job Stock Screen so when it comes to adding the Product you can have a look to see how many will be required.

See Handy Components for a screen shot.


Create the Custom Centre Product

1.      Build your Product in the Product Editor and set attributes based on your selling plan.

2.      Set your Prices according to your policy

3.      Use the Save as New Feature to create the full range once you have set up your selling structure.



In this example you can see that not only have I added the suppliers custom centre component but also a Adhesive spot and in doing so have captured the real cost and also ensured that 1. the part is ordered as needed and 2. the assembly team can see that a spot is required.


Wow! Wait a minute - whatha? The mark up is 5,242.11%. yep thats right. This is because the minimum quantity is for 30 centres and the sell price for 30 centres in total is $33.50. AwardPro will let you sell less than minimum quantity if you choose to ignore the sales screen prompt to increase to min qty. And so I have set the price to at least the minimum quantity because thats what the supplier will charge me. So this way I know that all sales staff will either accept minimum quantity increase or we will ensure capturing the correct amount based on the suppliers expected invoice.


This might make a bit more sense when you look at the next image - the Quantity Break screen shot from the same product.




You can see that the price for 30 (which is the suppliers minimum order quantity) is $3.50 with a mark up of 457% and a sale Qty profit of $78.30. Which is far more realistic. You can set prices to suit yourself and this screen helps you determine how much money you want to yield for a the sale based on quantity. - So write up the order, place the supplier order, add on the adhesive dots yields $78.00 for a qty of 30. whilst the same for a quantity of 100 yields $170.00.


You set your prices to suit your model. This screen helps you make decisions so as to not sell yourself short.


Selling Outsourced Custom Centres


·         When you add a trophy that has a standard centre (which should be set as Generic) the generic parts screen opens with the Centres listing.

·         Choose the component *CC1
This removes the generic centre and adds in the dummy centre that has no cost so the price of the trophy goes down accordingly.
The assembly team also get a note saying this trophy needs a custom centre.

·         To add the Custom Centre: add the product CC25 (or what ever you choose to call it)

·         Because you set the component within as Variation Active the Variation screen opens and you the add the centres organisation name.
This ensures that the supplier order gets the Organisation name added to the suppliers order and the supplier knows which centre you are ordering. I suggest that you add the quantity here as well e.g. 100 x Bankstown Dragons Soccer Club. This is because if you get another centre order while the supplier order is still in pending you will get two club names but the quantities will have accumulated.


Option - Making a Specific Component for each centre

Having gone through the above system there is another option that you might like to consider.


Still do all of the above but you could actually go into modify product after you have added the product and remove the suppliers custom centre component and then create a new component on the fly.


To do this:

1.      Press Modify Product

2.      Remove suppliers component

3.      Press Add

4.      New

5.      type in the suppliers custom centre code (above example is 111CUST) and bring that component up

6.      Change the code to say 111CUST-BDSC (Bankstown Dragons Soccer Club)

7.      Add the clubs name to the description

8.      SAVE AS NEW.


This then makes a component on the fly and you would not need to use the component variation system.



There are many way to skin a cat and many ways to create products in AwardPro. I have given you two possible ways here and you may even find your own way. Work out the best way to do it for your business and then add documentation to the Product Information note pad in the Product Type and also print this out and put it in your Centres display book in the show room as a handy reference for your sales team.




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