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My Account

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My Account allows the user to change their Password. You can also change your login, name and email address. get everyone to open my account after logging in for the first time to set their own unique password. This way only they know their log in details and they can then be tracked in the system Audits.


Once a user has been established in the Security Settings They can come to 'My Account' and reset their password so that they have a unique and secret password



1.      In System Set Up select My Account

2.      Type in the new password and then re-type it in the Confirm New Password field

3.      Press OK.


To change your log in, name or email address simply type over the existing and press OK.


Show Preview

This feature provides the facility to make from printing preview before print. The forms effected are Job Sheet, Quote, Order Confirmation and Invoice.


If you tick the box:

When you choose to Print a form you will not go directly to the print driver you will be taken to the form preview screen and will then need to print form there.


If you do not tick the box:

You will go directly to the print driver and bypass the print preview.