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Security Settings

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The security Settings allows you to add a user to the system and set them to a specific User Security Level





User Name:

This will be the users log in name. It will also become the new users default password. The new User can change their password at the 'My Account' link on the System Set Up Module. It is suggested that you use the Users first name.



This will be the persons name throughout the Program. It shows when the user writes a sales or supplier order. management reporting will also use this name to identify the users activity



This is the users work email address and is added to the Order confirmation forms etc



When the Active box is checked the user regarded as active and is in the user list. When the box is unchecked the user is removed from the active list and can not log in. They will not be seen in the user list


Reset Password:

This button resets the users password to their user name. If a user forgets their password they will need to be reset and then they can logo in and go to 'My Account' link on the System Set Up Module to establish a new private email address.


How To add a new user to your system

Only an administrator can add or edit new users


1.      Go to System Set Up > Security Settings

2.      Type in a new users name - This will be their log in name

3.      Type in the new name - Gets printed on sales forms etc.

4.      Type in the person's work email address - Gets printed on forms

5.      Select the security Level - sets the level of usage

6.      Check to make sure Active is on

7.      Check your work then press OK


The user can Now Change there Password in 'My Account' link on the System Set Up Module


When you type in a name such as Annette; please make sure that you do not leave a blank space at the3 front or end of the word as this will mean you would have to leave the same spacing each time you log in.


Security Level Settings:

You can set users up in 3 different levels.


Level 3 is open level.

You can see everything (Administrator Level)


Level 2 is Management Level.

Managers can edit Types, forms, Import and export, utelise the mailing facility, read some reports and do all the things a level 1 user can do.


Level 1 is the Base level

Level 1 users can access Customer and supplier card., they can not export anything or see sales and financial reports.


Level 3


Tax Rate

Exchange Rate

Mark Up

Sales Budget

Operating Costs




Lost reasons


Order set up

Back Up


Sales Analysis

Customer Sales report


Item Sales Report


Department Performance


Sales Budget

Historical Sales & Profit


Sales and Profit Report

Item Sales report


Payment Exceptions Report


Analyse Sales Performance

Level 2


Customer Types

Product Types

Process Types


Payment terms

Payment Methods

Delivery Methods


Terms & Conditions

Value Add


Export Component List

Export Component Types


Inventory Value Report


Export Product Catalogue

Export Product Types


All Price Lists


Mailing facility


Supplier Performance


Debtors reports



Supplier Small Order


Invoiced Jobs Report

Payments report


Product Information


Information Centre

Level 1


Sign Off System


Customer Cards

Customer List


Import Customers

Import Template


Supplier Cards

Supplier List


Import Suppliers

Import Template


Component Editor

Component List

Sell Part of


Import components

Import component template


Job Stock Management

Packing Labels


New stock order

Pending stock order

Outstanding Stock Orders

Received Stock Orders


Stock Exceptions Report

Wastage Report


Stock Take tally Sheets


Adjustment Note


Product editor

Product List


Import Product template

Import Product Catalogue


Process editor

Value Add


Enter Enquiry

Enter Quote

Enter Sales Order


Enquiry register

Quotes Register

Sales Register

Invoices Jobs Register


Shipping Log


Sign Off report

Re-contact Log


Outstanding job schedule

Job Stock Management



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