Importing Component Procedure




This Procedure takes you through the Procedure of importing Components.



Be aware that when re-importing a Component list over the top of an existing list you may change the condition that you have previously set such as description. Please read the special note on preserving information (click here for full clarification)


Once all the data you require is in the spreadsheet you can import the list into AwardPro

1.        Open AwardPro, click the “Stock Control" Tab

2.        Under the heading “Components”, click “Import Component List”. This will open up the import wizard. Click “Next

3.        Browse to select the file that you wish to import.

4.        Decide if you want to Preserve existing Descriptions or Component Types. (click here for full clarification)
* Preserve Existing Descriptions
- If you have made component description changes manually you may wish to preserve this. In this case you would tick the box. If you have not made changes then you do not need to tick the box.
* Preserve existing Component Types
- If you have made component type changes manually you may wish to preserve this. In this case you would tick the box. If you have not made changes then you do not need to tick the box.

5.        Click “NextIf you wish to Change the existing Description/Component Type

You will notice at the import screen there is a check box for preserve of Description and Component Type. These are automatically ticked.

1.        It may take a few minutes to import the data, depending on how big the file is.

2.        Once the list is imported, It will tell you down the bottom how many were successful & if any of them failed.

3.        If there is an ***ERROR*** message on the screen it will tell you why. For example, The Component Type is not Valid or the Supplier is not valid & the code is applies to. All errors will need to be dealt with & the list re-imported. 
Please see the special document regarding Fixing errors - click here




Special Note on Preserving information


When you are re-importing components such as when the supplier provides a new price list the component description and Type needs to be added into the excel spread sheet. This set of information will override any of the information that is already there. If you have made changes to the original data in your system and want to preserve this you must tick the Preserve boxes.


You may have made changes such as re-written the description to make them more uniform and findable and you may have set up new component types and re-allocated components.


Also, please be aware that some suppliers may have made description changes themselves. In the case of Trophy Components Distributors 2011 components price list; they have made a lot of description changes to set their data in a more user friendly way and so that you can find things via description so you may want to un-tick the preserve description button and let the new information import in to over ride the old descriptions.