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Set Up Staff as Users

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When you first install AwardPro you will need to login using the default User account (Super User). Once you have logged in:

Read the documentation on setting up users and My Account and then proceed to create a user name for yourself and your staff.


Go to System set Up > Security Settings and create yourself as a user and assign yourself a level 3 user.


Once you have set yourself up please set up all of your staff after reading the documentation.


Everyone that uses Awardpro should have a User name and log in Password. All Staff become registered users and have their own password to log in to the system which allows the program to know who is performing certain tasks. All users get allocated a security level which restricts them from entering certain areas.


There is a security Level Document that shows you what the security levels allow. Basically Business owners should be Level 3 which makes them an Administrator and provides access to Sales Analysis reports. If a staff member orders stock or will be involved in creating products they should be a Level 2 User. If a staff member is primarily production and would not be involved in creating products they should be a Level 1 User.


When a staff member Logs on their name gets associated with certain Transactions such as Sales Orders, Supplier Orders, Contact Logs, Production task checking etc.


The Business Managers task is to set everyone up as users and then get them to go the 'My Account' and change their password to a unique password.



To Register your Staff see: How To add a new user to your system