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Setting Up a Component Import File

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The component Import Wizard requires the correct file format to import successfully.


·         The suppliers data is dragged into the AwardPro Component Import Template

·         Do not change the layout of the template or the name or colour of the column headers.

·         Import files must be saved as Microsoft Excel, as a 97-2003 files format (.xls). No other file format will work.

·         Before you import a Supplier's Component list you must ensure that the suppliers card has already been created in AwardPro.

·         The Supplier name is added to the Import file detail. The name must be written in exactly the same way as the as on the Supplier's Card in AwardPro.

·         Each component being imported must be assigned to a certain Component Type. This is listed on the Import file. You must ensure that the typing of the component list is exactly the same as what is the Component Type Title in AwardPro is.

The best way to do this is to:

Go to Stock Control Module and Export Component Types. This action will export the AwardPro Component Type list into xcel spread sheet. From here you can copy and paste the titles or at least have the type in easy view.




Before You Begin

·         Understand how your supplier has listed their components

·         Ensure the suppliers card had been set up in AwardPro

·         Convert any file that is not in Excel 97-2003 format into that format. AwardPro will not import .xlsx files. They must be .xls.

·         Export

Create the Components Template

1.        Open and Save the Import Template

a.        Open AwardPro and click on the Components Tab

b.        Under the Components List , click Import Template.  The template opens in Excel

c.        Immediately go to “File”  ” Save As” to save the copy of the file.  This must be an Excel 97-2003 workbook (This automatically saves as 97-2003(Fig1)  if you have an earlier version of Office. If you have Office 2007 – Current, it saves in 2007 so be sure to save it in 97-2003 see fig 2)

Fig 1. Excel 97-2003

Fig 2. Excel 2007


2.      Open and export a list of component types from AwardPro.  You will need this so that you can copy and paste the component type into the Component Type Column.  This must match exactly what has been saved in AwardPro.

To do this:

a.        Open AwardPro

b.        Click on the System Set Up tab

c.        In the middle column, click Component Types

d.        Click Export & follow the wizard. This will create an excel version of the list.

e.        Save a copy

Prepare the Components List

A few things you must take note of:

·         When you are ready to type in the data note that the Columns with red headings are compulsory. Fill in all appropriate details for your supplier.

·         The Supplier must be written the exact same way that it is in the Supplier List, including capitalization

·         The Component Type must exactly match one of the component types as in the list that you exported earlier.

·         If there are types that are not in the exported list you will need to add them to AwardPro:

a.        Click “System Set Up”

b.        Click “Component Types” & the “Add” Button.  This will then ask you for the component type & the department. Enter the details and click “OK”


1.        Open the Supplier Component List

2.        Here is an easy way to copy & paste your data:

Keep your saved suppliers component spreadsheet open as well as your saved template, then

For Excel 97-2003 Users Click “Window” at the top of the screen. Then click “Arrange” & then “Vertical”.  This will then arrange side by side both sheets making it a quicker process to copy and paste data as it’s all on the one page.



For Excel 2007 + Users  Click “View”  and then “Arrange All” And then click “Vertical”.  This will then arrange side by side both sheets making it a quicker process to copy and paste data as it’s all on the one page.



Your page should then look something like this with the spreadsheets arranged side by side:



3.        Start to Click and Drag from the component list to the template.

4.        When it looks like this, you can drag it to the correct column.

5.        Some may be set up so that you can cut and past the entire column over.  To Cut and paste a column over:

a.        Highlight the Column by clicking the top line

b.       Click CTRL+X (This cuts the data)

c.       Click onto the Correct Column on the Import List, As per above example is description. Click the line under (For example) Description and click CTRL+V This will then past the data into the spreadsheet.

6.        You can repeat this step for any column. For example, the Component Code, the price, the Qty etc.

7.        To Add the supplier name to the supplier column:

a.        Open AwardPro, go to Supplier Cards and open the relevant Supplier’s Card

b.         Copy the Supplier Name

c.        Open your spreadsheet back up & Highlight the entire Supplier Column (As you did back in step 5)

d.        Click CTRL+F. This will open up a window that says “Find”. Ensure that this is the only column highlighted.  And Replace, click  Replace

e.        Paste the supplier name that was copied earlier  into the “Replace with” line


f.         Click “Replace All”  -  This will add the suppliers name to each component.


8.        You may find that all suppliers are set up differently (see notes relevant to different suppliers for individual instructions for the suppliers that aren’t as easy to set up)


Component Variation

You will notice that in the import template there is 2 columns called Component Variation & Variation Detail.

This is a great function for suppliers like Styles Factory who have one code for a certain base that is available in a variety of colours.

How to use Component Variation

The following applies for the Component Import List  - Please note this only needs to occur for those components with variation. Those without do not need to do anything with these columns.

1. Type YES in the VARIATION column. This activates the component variation within the component

2. Type in the Details within the VARIATION DETAIL Column


Sell Part of

Just like Variation we need to have Sell Part Of detail in the import screen. It would work similar to Variation import with the same set of rules as above.


·         Activation by adding UNIT or SHAPE in 'Sell Part Of' column


If Shape:

·         Add in the sizes Length and Width (Make the Length land in the first 'Sell Part Of' field of shape)

·         If you have added YES then the length and width must be filled out (number represents mm)

·         If you enter SHAPE and then do not fill out both size fields you will get and error.

·         Add orientation tick by marking the Orientation cell with YES.


If Unit:


·         Add in the unit value to the 'Sell Part Of' LENGTH MM/ UNIT column.

·         No value is allowed in the 'Sell Part Of' WIDTH column

·         If you enter UNIT and then do not fill out the first size field you will get and error.

·         If you enter UNIT and then fill out the second size field you will get and error.