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MYOB Invoice Entry Procedure

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This procedure shows you how to enter AwardPro Invoices into MYOB. It should be done at least weekly so that the task is kept to a minimum and transactions are fresh in the mind. You could do it everyday if you wanted to.


·         You will be using the AwardPro Invoice number in MYOB so that both entries relate to each other.

·         You should enter the customer name exactly the same as Awardpro has it so that your records reflect the identical identity.


A simply product such as called Products (with the code - TR) can be created in MYOB to use for all invoices. Set the price at zero and then change at each invoice entry.


You could even create a re-occurring transaction that can be used each time so that the product is pre-entered. You could create a customer names SALES, set the invoice number to zero, add the generic product with no price. Then just simply use the re-occurring invoice each time and change the data as required.




Summary Steps


1.      Change MYOB Invoice number to AwardPro Invoice Number

2.      Change date to the AwardPro invoice date

3.      Add the product and sale amount

4.      Record the transaction


Previously Unrecorded Invoices
No entry has been made for this job yet


1.      Print out the Invoiced Jobs Report form from AwardPro. Accounting>Invoiced Jobs Report

2.      Create a new invoice in MYOB for each Job

3.      Set the date to the same date as the AwardPro Invoice date

4.      Change the MYOB Invoice number to the AwardPro Invoice number

4.                          Just click into the field to do this

4.                          You may decide not to enter the prefix 000

5.      Enter the quantity of 1

6.      Enter the code for your generic product such as TR

7.      Enter the amount of the sale

7.                          If a payment has been made do not enter this yet. This is done later at the payments entry task

8.      Record the transaction

9.      Cross off the invoice line on the invoiced jobs report so you know you have entered it.




Previously Recorded Order

You may have already created a transaction record because a payment was recorded for a job such as a deposit. You would have created an order for the transaction so when you are doing the Invoice Entry procedure the job will be offered to you by MYOB to use. Use it.


When you enter a customer name and the transaction is offered to you.


·         Select the correct transaction and open it.

·         Change the MYOB Invoice number to the AwardPro Invoice number

·         Just click into the field to do this

·         You may decide not to enter the prefix 000

·         Set the date to the same date as the AwardPro Invoice date

·         Check the amount is the same

·         Change the order to Invoice

·         Record the transaction

·         Cross off the invoice line on the invoiced jobs report so you know you have entered it.





Efficiency Tips


·         You should always create the customer name in MYOB the same as in AwardPro. If it is already in the system and is different click on the arrow next to the customer name to open the card and change the name to the same as AwardPro's card name.

·         The MYOB Date Field: If the date says 20/06/2014 and you want it to say 23/06/2014 - you only need to enter 23 and then tab to get the date to change to 23/06/2014

·         On the AwardPro Invoiced Jobs Report there is an ex-tax amount and an including tax amount. Your MYOB invoice will be set up for data entry of one of these. (see top right corner of the MYOB invoice screen. To help the eye focus on the AP IJR column that you require you could run a line scribble down the column that you do not want to record.

·         Use a ruler under the line you are entering so your eye stays in the right place. Tick off the transactions you have recorded so you always know where you are up to.

·         In MYOB you can create the invoice data without using a mouse. Just use the Tab button to move between fields




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