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Customer Payments

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AwardPro allows you at record payments, edit payments, refund payments and delete payments.


Record a Payment 


·         To record a payment, go to the Sales screen for the particular job and click Payments

·         The following screen will appear:


·         You can see on this screen that the customer's name and the job number are displayed.  It also has the invoice amount (including GST), the balance owing and the total amount paid.  As more than one payment may be made against an invoice, all payments are displayed individually with the payment method, date of payment and the amount paid.

·         To apply a payment click Add Payment and the following screen is displayed:

·         The default date is today but you can change this, if required

·         Enter/select the payment method

·         Enter the amount and click OK

·         You will then be returned to the previous screen.  You will see that the new payment is now on the list.

·         Click Cancel to return to the sales screen.  You will notice that the payment has been applied to the Amount Paid and to the Balance

Edit a Payment 

·         To edit a payment, go to the Sales screen for the particular job and click Payments

·         When the payments screen is displayed, click onto the payment you want to edit and then click Edit payment

·         Make the changes you require and press OK.

·         One the payments list screen you will see that the edit has affected the relevant payment

·         Click cancel to return to the sales screen where you will notice that the amount paid and the balance reflects the change you have made.

Refund a Payment 

·         To record the refund of a payment, go to the Sales screen for the job and click payments

·         When the payments screen is displayed, click refund and the following screen will appear:

·         Type/select the refund method

·         Type in the refund amount

·         State why the refund was applied

·         Indicate whether or not it was due to a job error

·         Click that you do want to process the refund and click OK

·         When the payment list screen returns you will see the refund in the list and that the balance owing and amount paid have been adjusted. Click cancel

·         When you are back in the sales screen you will see that the amount paid and the balance have been adjusted.

Delete a Payment 

·         To record the refund of a payment, go to the Sales screen for the job and click payments

·         When the payments screen is displayed, click onto the payment you want to edit and then click Delete payment and the following screen will appear:

·         State the reason for the deletion of the payment and click that you do want to delete

·         Click OK and you will be returned to the payments list screen where you will notice that the payment has been removed from the list and that the balance owing and amount paid have been adjusted. Click cancel.

·         On the sales screen that the amount paid and the balance has been affected by the deletion.


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