Importing Rules



In order to create the import system we have made rules to follow and it is important that you understand these rules.


The Import Template



1.      Do not change any import template format in any way.

2.      Do not save over the top of your raw template

3.      When you open a template to work with save it with a new name and as a Microsoft Excel Workbook 97-2000 file (.xls).

4.      All red header columns must have data added to them. Every row must have something in them for the import to work.

5.      All Black header columns are non-mandatory and do not have to have data in them

6.      The first code or customer, if there are also Alpha codes or names, must not start with a number. If the first code is a number just move another code above it in the list.


Integrity of type

If the column requires type that will connect with type already in AwardPro then that type must be exactly the same as what is already in AwardPro.


For example

COMPONENT TYPE needs to be already set up in AwardPro and your text in the template must be exactly the same as the way it is written in AwardPro.


Saving your Import File.

1.      DO NOT save over the top of the template. Whenever you open a blank template you must save the file as something else to avoid potential ruining of you blank template

2.      Import files can not be saved as Microsoft's new xlsx format. It must be saved as 97-2003 xls format





When you are re-importing a suppliers component list with updated prices the following happens;


The description will stay the same as it is within AwardPro (This means if you wish to change descriptions of existing it will need to be done within AwardPro)


The Component Type will stay the same as it is within AwardPro. (If you are re-adding a whole lot of components and you know none are new, Just made them all General Components. This way it saves you time having to work out what the component type is when there is no need to)


The Component Price & The Component QTY  will change to whatever is within the Price Levels & QTY Level Columns.


Any existing prices for the relevant components will be overwritten with this import sheet.


If you wish to change the description or the component type - the appropriate box will need to be ticked at the import screen.



Component List - Supplier Name


In the component List you have to add the supplier name next to each listing. The name has to be exactly as per the suppliers name on the customer card in AwardPro. If it not exactly the same you will get and error.


So when importing component lists it is a good idea to open the supplier's card and copy the text directly from the card to ensure successful import.